
Thursday, December 14, 2006


What do Mom and I have in common?

We both put in our notices this week.

I will be working through Dec. 22nd, so I will be coming home that evening and staying through the new year. Although it was a difficult decision and my employer is not particularly happy, I have decided this what is best for me right now. My last week could best be described as a "work the clock out" situation, so there may be a flurry of posts coming. I can't wait to see everyone!


  • I think we also have in common - that we do feel this is the best thing to do at this time, but any change is never without a bit of apprehension. not in common is: your career is just getting started, mine is coming to a close. In common again- Can't wait to be all together for the holidays.
    I saw Geoffrey this morning and when asked what he wants for Christmas his reply was, "Presents". I love you all.

    By Blogger Mama, at 11:25 AM  

  • Bella Luna lunches will never be the same and I'll hate not having Nattie yell, "Roo Roo!" when you hit the back door. Even though we will all miss you so much, we are so proud of you and excited about all the opportunities that you will find. We love you!

    By Blogger Brown Eyed Girl, at 8:19 AM  

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