
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The reason for the Big Dig

Here's Baby Max #4 with Mom and Dad at 36 weeks and with Mom in his/her new room at 37 weeks. We are all very excited to meet him/her. Zoe still claims it's a "brudder" and calls him "Steve." Abbie is content just to pat Anne's tummy and smile. Nattie is a little more agressive (imagine that) and thumps the tum and yells "TEVE!!!" Would love to know what that little one is thinking of all of the excitement outside the womb.


  • Looks like momma is blooming too!!!! I can't wait to meet the newest Maxwell or should I say STeve! Boy I bet it has really brightened up the basement! Can't wait to see the after pics.

    By Blogger BigSis1, at 2:13 PM  

  • WOW!!! everything has changed since I was down there. Am anxious to see all of the completed projects.

    By Blogger Mama, at 11:19 AM  

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